
Offer lectures on meteorites for laymen and advanced students with meteorite demonstrations. I want to pass on my passion, if you are interested, please contact me at:


Mineralogical lecture of the National Museum Society

Annotation of lecture:

Meteorites have attracted mankind since ancient times and are closely intertwined with our history and culture. By studying them, we are discovering how the Solar System and the Earth were formed and may one day discover the origins of life. The lecture is intended for the general public, but also for beginning meteorite collectors. During the lecture you will learn what meteorites are, what types we know, how they are collected and what their investment potential is. The speakers are the authors of a new publication on meteorites, Meteorites: The Art of the Universe. After the talk, the publication will be available for purchase and to be signed by all three authors. There will also be a quiz, the winners of which will take home a meteorite.

Lecture at the Svobodná základní škola, o. p. s. in Litoměřice

Lecture at the Karel Hynek Mácha Library in Litoměřice

Lecture at the Dómský pahorek retirement home in Litoměřice