Martian meteorites
Meteorites from the planet Mars are my favourite group of all known meteorites. I've had a positive relationship with the planet Mars since I was a kid playing the computer game DOOM with my father, which is set on the planet Mars and its moons. Of course, the fact that my favourite colour has always been orange probably explains everything.

Fallen angel or holy trinity?
It may seem that the article I decided to write about the first nuclear test called Trinity does not correspond to the areas RuniverzuM focuses on. Although the interdependence may seem very distant, I dare say that the opposite is true. The concept of Trinity is very broad and touches on a wide range of areas. The most interesting area from the Runiverse's perspective, then, is the "by-product" of the first nuclear test.

Meteoric mineral or product of lightning?
Outer space is riddled with mysteries that mankind has not yet been able to unravel during its existence. Alongside the unsolved mysteries, where we will have to make do with theories alone, there are the tangible pieces of the puzzle that fall on the surface of our home planet. I'm referring, of course, to meteorites. Mysteries in general have interested me since I was a kid, and even though I'm already slowly getting into cosmic mineralogy, meteorites, their formation, origin and composition are still a great fascination to me. For my third article on RuniverzuM, I decided to focus on the mineral Schreibersite, which is mainly found in meteorites.

Membership in I. M. C. A.
My journey to become a member of the prestigious worldwide association of meteorite collectors https://imca.cc/ officially began on 12. 6. 2022 with the submission of my application. Approximately three weeks later, on 4. 7. 2022, I received word that the Board of Directors had voted to approve my application.
I became a member of the I. M. C. A. No. 4043!!!

Introduction to RuniverzuM
I decided to dedicate the introductory article on my website to frequently asked questions. General awareness of meteorites and interesting things about them are still hidden from most people. That is why I have decided to devote articles on my site to them as well.